
Whatsapp spam bot android
Whatsapp spam bot android

whatsapp spam bot android

As a result, we all have been in a situation where we accidentally press the “Delete for me” option instead of the “Delete for everyone” button. WhatsApp indeed took its time to bring it to the app, but it still has one issue-it provides two options: one lets you delete a message just for yourself, while the other deletes it for everyone. While the app was initially released in February 2009, it didn’t have the option to correct your mistake until 2017: the “delete for everyone” feature to delete a message with a typo or in case you sent something to someone it wasn’t meant for. Although there’s still room for improvement, WhatsApp is among the most used online messaging apps. Since its launch over a decade ago as just an online texting platform, WhatsApp has come a long way, and it now lets you do more than chat with your contacts.

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WhatsApp now lets you undo accidentally deleted messages.

Whatsapp spam bot android